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Take Lead Follow-Up to the Next Level

With The DaknoAdmin app, you can now follow up with leads no matter if they text, call, or email. Reach out to any lead in your database.

Phone with view of contact info

Organization Meets Conversions

Whether your leads prefer to text or call, know that you can reach out in a way that fits their preferences and leads to quicker conversions.

Phone with view of conversation

Lead Follow-Up from Anywhere

Enjoy the freedom of reaching out to your leads from wherever you are, and know that DaknoAdmin will keep track of your correspondence.

Want to See it In Action? Sign Up for a Demo!

As Easy As Sending an Email

With the DaknoAdmin app, adding a contact is as easy as sending an email to that contact! Our smart CRM will automatically pull in social media and other details. 

Phone with view of contact details

Never Forget a Lead Follow-Up

Seamless integration with DaknoAdmin means you'll be reminded when it's time to follow up with a lead. This system is smart enough to only update you about the most qualified leads.

Phone with view of contact reminder email

Get Started with a Demo

By giving us your phone number and email address, you are giving Dakno Marketing permission to contact you via email, phone, or text.